Mobile learning is all about the learning experience. Some people will even tell you that with mobile learning content is no longer king.

But make no mistake – if you want your mobile learning offer to *really* fly, then you’re going to need quality content in mobile-friendly formats – and lots of it.

Building on the recent experience of premium luggage brand and Teach on Mars flagship client  RIMOWA in launching a brand new mobile learning initiative to a learner population spread right across the planet, this session will explore the nitty-gritty, the non-negotiables and the inevitable trade-offs involved in taking your learning mobile. Quickly, successfully and with the right content mix.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  1. From nought to worldwide deployment in 4 months – first-hand experience of how to deploy mobile learning with ambition and impact.
  2. The three key pillars of mobile content strategy –combining bespoke mobile-native content, off-the-shelf resources and AI-curated content in a content mix that learners will find compelling.
  3. The AI effect - how smart algorithms are improving our ability not just to select the right content, but also to predict and satisfy learner needs and preferences.
  4. The next big things – What role will machine-generated content play going forward? And what about User-Generated Content?
  5. Real-world application examples from Teach on Mars strategic partners and audience participation.

Watch the replay!


Adam Charlesworth - Chief Storyteller, Teach on Mars
Adam has been developing and leading Corporate Universities for companies all over the world for most of the last 15 years.